Grinding your teeth causes more than just pain in your teeth and jaws. It also creates headaches, enlarged facial muscles, TMJ pain, neck and shoulder stiffness, sleep problems and ear pain. But you can stop this bad habit called bruxism. You merely need to know how to stop grinding teeth and talk to your dentist if the problem continues.
Signs and Causes Of Teeth Grinding
Most people who grind their teeth suffer headaches, according to the Bruxism Association. Sore teeth and jaw muscles also indicate you do teeth grinding in your sleep or during daily activities. As your dentist tells patients, bruxism damages your teeth and causes abnormal wear and tear. Many people break their teeth and lose them because of their teeth grinding.
If you grind your teeth, consider why you may struggle with this problem. Common causes include anxiety, stress, heavy drinking, smoking, and caffeine intake. You also possibly suffer depression or sleep disorders, as causes of your condition. People with snoring problems tend to experience bruxism, as do those with sleep apnea.
Stress and worry commonly occur in people who grind their teeth. This stress comes from your work environment, school, family problems or other areas of your life. If you experience bruxism when awake or asleep, think about whether you suffer stress or anxiety. In those problems lie clues that help you know how to stop grinding teeth.
How to Stop Grinding Teeth
Knowing the causes of your bruxism clarifies how to stop it. Look closely at your life. Do you suffer sleep problems? Do you face heavy stress or anxiety?
For the best means of how to stop grinding teeth, talk to your dentist. Many dentists offer occlusal appliances also called splints, night guards, bite guards or bite plates. Your custom-fitted bruxism appliance is a plastic mouth protector that fits over your teeth. It reduces your pain from grinding while also protecting your oral structures, like your teeth and jaw joint.
Custom oral appliances that fit over your teeth called mandibular advancement devices help many people with bruxism. These devices pull your bottom jaw forward while you sleep, treating sleep apnea and snoring which can cause your grinding.
Other methods of treating this problem include relaxation exercises, meditation, psychological counseling, and hypnosis.
Who Helps You with Your Bruxism
To treat your bruxism, see your dentist. Dentists provide the guidance and resources you need to stop this painful and damaging habit. You know your dentist can help you when they offer a variety of dental services, including:
- General dentistry
- Family Dentistry
- Sedation dentistry
- Restorative dentistry
- Preventive dentistry
- Cosmetic dentistry
Dr. Tuckett at Marketplace Dental Excellence offers help for how to stop grinding teeth. Call 480.545.8700 for more information about dental services in Queen Creek AZ, and an appointment.