The hinge connecting your jaw to your skull at the front of your ear is called the temporomandibular joint (TMJ). This joint enables your jaw movement for talking, chewing, and yawning. When the joint suffers discomfort or problems, these fall under a category of temporomandibular disorders (TMD). For your TMJ treatment, turn to your dentist at Marketplace Dental Excellence in Queen Creek, Arizona.
Why do I need TMJ treatment?
Doctors and dentists do not know what causes some people to need TMJ treatment, while others suffer no problems with this joint in their lifetime. Dentists usually find your symptoms come from the jaw muscles or parts of your actual joint. Maybe you suffered trauma to your jaw, joint, head muscles or neck. Or maybe other causes make your TMJ hurt.
Other common causes include teeth grinding or clenching, poor mobility of your joint or its parts, arthritis, and stress. Of course, whatever the cause of your symptoms, getting relief is your biggest wish for better jaw, head, neck, hearing and vision comfort.
Symptoms of TMD include:
- Face, jaw, neck, shoulder or ear pain or tenderness
- Problems with opening your mouth
- Lock jaw
- Audible sounds of clicking, popping or grating in your joint
- Tired facial muscles
- Problems chewing or biting
- Swelling your face, head or neck
Other common problems closely tied to TMD include headaches, dizziness, earaches, hearing disorders, shoulder pain, tinnitus, and neck aches.
TMD/TMJ Treatment Options
For your TMJ treatment, you see your dentist at Marketplace Dental Excellence. But if you experience pain or discomfort while waiting for your visit, you can try some home remedies. These include over-the-counter medications like ibuprofen or naproxen, also called NSAIDs. Your goal in doing so is to relieve your muscle swelling and pain.
Also, avoid eating chewy or crunchy foods. Soft foods allow your jaw some rest while awaiting your dental appointment. Apply cold or heat packs, such as a bag of frozen peas, to your painful joint. Avoid resting your chin on your hand or sleeping with pressure on your jaw joint. Also, keep your jaw slightly open to relax it and try some stress relieving techniques.
When you see your dentist, he or she possibly provides medication or a doctor’s referral to help relieve your symptoms. These include NSAIDs, muscle relaxers, anti-anxiety medications or antidepressants. You may need a night guard or mouth guard to help you relax your jaw and avoid clenching or teeth grinding. Other dental work like crowns, bridges or braces may help, too.
Some dentists recommend TENS, an electrical stimulation of your jaw that helps your jaw relax. Patients sometimes need an ultrasound, trigger point injections, radio wave therapy or laser therapy, as options. There are also surgeries that help particular people.
Help for Your TMD Discomfort
Of course, your dentist’s biggest goal is to help you find comfort after suffering TMD. Through TMJ treatments, you gain that comfort. All you need to start this relief is to set up a visit with your Marketplace Dental Excellence dentist.
Other dental services available at Marketplace Dental Excellence in Queen Creek include:
- Implants and dentures
- Preventive dentistry
- Restorative dentistry
- General dentistry
- Family Dentistry
- Cosmetic dentistry
- Orthodontic care
Feeling discomfort or pain disrupts your daily life. So set some time aside to take care of your dental needs, to prevent or treat your oral health needs. Through TMJ treatment, you gain a better sleep, nutrition, and overall physical wellness. So call Marketplace Dental Excellence now at 480.545.8700 for the dental services you need.